Ann Wilson, The Wealth Chef – 30 Day Money Makeover Challenge – Overview

Ann Wilsons 30 Day Money Makeover.

Who is Ann Wilson ?

Simply put, Ann Wilson is a self made multi-millionaire because she chose to learn about money.

Ann Wilson was born and raised in South Africa and is a lady who was not born into money.

Instead Ann studied and worked incredibly hard, resulting in becoming a highly successful Civil Engineer and climbing the Corporate ladder.

Despite massive achievements in this field, Ann realised that money was still not working out.

Working in the traditional way, and achieving a high education and a highly respectable job was still leaving Ann Wilson in trouble when it came to money.   In fact, Ann Wilson…


was completely financially illiterate and as a result found herself in her 20s with loans, credit cards and money drama. It wasn’t her fault. Like most of us, she was simply never taught the keys to being financially savvy and building wealth instead of consuming it all and then some in the form of debt. She swore to herself she would figure out a better way.

So Ann decided to spend time mastering Money, Money Management, Debt and Investment and at aged 38, Ann Wilson became financially free.

Ann Wilson has centered her knowledge and put together The Wealth Chef 30 Day Money Makeover Challenge – a free challenge which is a great starting place to be introduced to the concepts that are important to mastering money.

Master Your Money, Master Your Life

Along the way Ann :

discovered that there are only a handful of core ‘recipes’ for wealth, which if learnt and consistently applied, guarantee Financial Freedom for anyone.

And I like the sound of that!

So why don’t you sign up here >>> for Ann Wilsons Free 30 day money Makeover Challenge and follow me as I review the Money Makeover Challenge also.

Ann Wilson is also a person who knows the importance of giving back and 100% of the royalties from her book The Wealth Chef are donated to The Small Enterprise Foundation, which is amazing.  Anns book is available on Amazon here >>> The Wealth Chef

Personally, I love this way of thinking.

I cannot think of a more useful way of using time than learning all about how money really works and how to master it.

Money doesn’t buy you happiness as they say, yet it certainly buys you life choices.

I believe that the best way we can help those who we care about, our family, our friends and if we are really dedicated, our wider community – the world even,  is to learn how to become wealthy.   It is as simple as that.    Money is a tool and a really useful one too…..

“Listen up, my friends: Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas in which it doesn’t. And although love may make the world go round, it sure doesn’t pay for the building of any hospitals, churches, or homes. It also doesn’t feed anybody.”

T Harv Eker

So as for me, I have been dedicating lots of time to learning about money.   I read books, I listen to audios and I am making changes in my own life everyday.

And now to review Ann Wilsons 30 day Money Makeover Challenge.

Care to join me?  Its free … (I will not receive commissions for referring you to this challenge)

So why don’t you sign up here >>> for Ann Wilsons Free 30 day money Makeover Challenge and follow me as I review the Money Makeover Challenge also!

Meet you on Day 1.


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