“It takes half your life before you discover

Life is a Do-It-Yourself Project .”

– Napoleon Hill


Hello and Welcome, from dare2thinkbig 

Thank you so much for being here.  It is a priviledge that you are here with me at dare2thinkbig, reading my real experiences and honest reviews. 

Time really is our most precious commodity and I will try not to waste your time in any way. My intention is to bring you valuable and honest information, just as I wanted when I was starting out.

I want to make this website about you and not me.   This is my purpose,  to share experiences and reviews so that you can make an informed decision when choosing ways in which you too can learn how to make a successful online business in this exciting world of online marketing.

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“Don’t wish it were easier,

wish you were better”

– Jim Rohn


About me

(the boring bit!  It would be rude not to introduce myself though wouldn’t it?)

In a nutshell,   my family is my life! …..

I am Alison.

I am a ridiculously proud mother of two beautiful young men (who are a major motivation for me),  along with my truly lovely

Dog, Cat & Spouse!

In no particular order! (REALLY!) big smile.

Along with my love of Tango, Salsa, Photography, Juicing and of course Entrepreneurship and Online Marketing!

(note, nearly all the photographs on this website will have been taken by me as I am constantly learning photography!)

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“Whether you think you can,

or think you can’t, you’re right“. 

– Henry Ford


Joking aside…

I would not be alone in saying my family literally is everything to me.  Discovering ways to create a better life now and in the future is because I love them so much (and myself of course!) .  Yes, yes, this sounds corny and we have all heard it before, yet it is true isn’t it?  Most of what we all do is for others, wouldn’t you agree?  Partners often go to jobs they don’t like to provide for their spouses, children and loved ones.  Parents often need to work to increase the household income to better provide for their little ones, though they would often prefer to stay at home.   Most of our motivation is usually family and those we love.  Even if we argue that we do these things because we have to, this is often not the full picture is it?  We all do these things because we have to do what we believe is right for our family and loved ones and the underlying motivation is nearly always wanting to make things better for others in your life, often at the expense of our own personal needs and desires.


Everything happens for a reason. 

 Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together.


Made redundant! What shall I do now?

Back in 2012 I would like to think I was a highly regarded Customer Service Manager, working for an innovative and well respected Manufacturing Company with a £2M turnover.

I absolutely loved my job and the people I worked with.  I worked hard everyday, always striving to be better both for personal satisfaction and for the benefit of the company.

Sadly though for the company, in 2012 our whole company closed its doors for the last time and we all lost our jobs.

So,  after 11 years,  I found myself with a redundancy pay-out and time to ask that big question…

“What shall I do now?”


Go on, Sit Down, Breathe Deep

& Ask Yourself

What Do I Really Want?


Life had to change, but how?

For me, I had worked solidly for 11 years so, I took some time out to really think what to do next.

Personally I knew that my life hadn’t really financially unfolded in the way that I would expect for a 40+ year old dedicated, hardworking, skilled woman.

I knew that I had failed to achieve a balanced life and money in the bank within the confines of a job.

I was now looking for a different solution.  I knew that I never wanted to be a traditional nine to five employed person again.  Even if that meant that I had to work harder than nine to five to learn new skills……


“If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you are not sure you can do it

say yes,

then learn how to do it later”.

– Richard Branson


I am going to be my own internet boss (doing what though?)

So that was it!

I was going to turn to the internet and learn how to be successful online.  Doing what though?  What would I sell?  Is it too difficult?  Am I being realistic?

So, I started to search Google for everything about ‘making money online’ to see what was involved and how people were doing it.  I joined forums, I watched videos, I read blogs, I bought books and I listened to tutorials.

You can read all about my exact start in another post, yet for the purpose of keeping things sweet here, I settled on learning “Affiliate Marketing” and I wanted to learn everything I could about it.


“If you want something you’ve never had, 

you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”

– Thomas Jefferson


I even woke up on a Sunday Morning with no passport, no money, no idea about international travel (having not travelled on an airplane for ten years) and said “I am going to be in America by Thursday to go to an Internet Marketing Seminar”

4 days later I travelled alone and made it to the U.S.A!

I flew to Chicago to a Marketing Event, where I knew that I would meet Successful People and people just like me, who were looking to become successful.

And I have been hooked ever since (even though there is alot to learn! )


“When writing the story of your life,

don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”

– Harley Davidson


My Life is changing dramatically

To be honest, I loved my job and it was ‘easy’ for me to just keep working there.   I probably would have still been sat at my desk at age 70 had the company not have closed!

So I have a lot to be thankful for.  My redundancy forced me to really think about what I wanted financially and as a lifestyle.

My life is now changing for the better since I have embarked on a new life style with online marketing.

I have met the most amazing people.

Now its time to work hard and lay the foundations for a business that runs itself.  (oh and a bit of a lightbulb moment too – make time to look after health too!)

– Thomas Jefferson


“Take care of your body

its the only place you have to live”.

– Jim Rohn


A little less wine (boo!) and a few more carrots!

So, I figured its no good striving for financial freedom in our family  if poor health awaits us when we get there.  So,   I am cleaning up my act a little bit too.  This decision was accelerated by a big health scare too in April 2015.  Although my scare was just a scare, when you are told you may be looking at the big ‘C’ at the age of 43 it made me completely assess what was important to me in my life and what I had to do about the way I was living).   So…..

A little less wine (boo!) and a few more carrots (& those leafy greens of course)!

Since April 2015, I juice almost daily with organic fruit and veg (family included, except Lucy dog and Millie! – Lucy really doesn’t like spinach, I have tried) .   I travel weekly to our fantastic local Organic Farm (Gold Hill Organics) and I buy in bulk in order to make daily organic juicing possible.

Also, whilst learning all these new skills, juicing helps motivation and energy levels massively!


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Now I am a little wiser…

I have been researching affiliate marketing and network marketing officially since Valentines Day in 2013, when I excitedly joined my first online network marketing enterprise.

Little did I know then exactly what was involved in building a real business online.

I guess, I didn’t believe in ‘get rich quick’ schemes, yet I didn’t really realise what was involved in building an online business and I did think it would be a little easier!

So now I am a little wiser to this industry and I have learnt so much.


I am so excited to actually honestly say….

I love this industry more now than the day I started!


Because the Internet makes dreams possible!

It really is that simple!

Join My Free Newsletter to follow my progress and learn more!


“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way.  

If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

– Jim Rohn


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